2024 Application Guidelines of Global Korea Scholarship for Graduate Degrees (GKS-G) / 2024학년도 정부초청외국인 대학원 장학생 모집 요강

Ngày đăng: 00:00 08-02-2024

<2024 Global Korea Scholarship for Graduate Degrees (GKS-G)>

In 2024, Korean government aims to invite 2,200 international students for 2024 Global Korea Scholarship program for graduate degrees.

Applicants must apply either to a Korean Embassy where they hold citizenship (embassy track) or directly to one of the designated universities (university track).

For inquiries regarding application submission (i.e., application deadline, submission method, additional required documents, authentication, translation certificate, etc.), please contact each embassy and university directly since they will be conducting the first round of selection.

For more information about the program, please refer to the all attached files carefully.

Best regards,
GKS Center

<Significant Change in the 2024 GKS-G>

Starting from 2024 GKS-G, applicants who are expected to graduate by July 31st, 2024 can also apply for the program with a certificate of expected graduation. Such applicants must submit their official graduation certificate (or diploma) and final academic transcript to GKS Center, NIIED by July 31st, 2024. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of your acceptance

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